Estova: Allied Continent, the Empire of the Seven Continents
Estova is one of the seven continents that make up the Empire of the Seven Continents, the setting for the Imperial Saga. The Empire is composed of seven continents, three of which are considered allied, and four of which are considered conquered. Check out the Imperial Saga hub for more details about the series, the characters, and the world!
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Basic Information
- Capital City: Aunsfore
- Population: 112 million
- Discovered in 5 BE
- Joined the Empire in 1 AE
- Represented by Yarley, advisor to the Emperor
The government is a representative democracy using mixed member proportional representation with a unicameral legislature, named the House of Nobles, and a Prime Minister elected by members of the House of Nobles. Seven extended families hold almost all land, power, and government seats. Landowners are the only class who can hold government office, and they receive two votes per person in elections. The middle class receives one vote per person, and the large lower class has no direct representation.
Food Production
Estova is the breadbasket of the Empire, and it provides food for all of the other continents, some of which are completely reliant on Estova’s production due to the lack of sufficient agriculture as a result of war or geography. The populations of the other continents have increased above what many can naturally support due to the influx of Estov immigrants along with the ready supply of food. Estova’s recent issues with Rainweed and the resulting cycles of harvests has only underscored Estova’s place at the top of the Empire’s hierarchy as its needs are prioritized in order to keep the Empire fed.

The Estov People
Estovs are considered the standard people within the Empire of the Seven Continents. Their skin has a steely tone, but it can be lighter or darker depending on the region that they’re from. Their hair is almost exclusively blonde and light brown, though the people from around Port Stelis have darker hair and skin tones.
Some Estovs are born with an innate talent for one of the arts and an unusual amount of creativity and dedication. These people, referred to as Artists regardless of their medium, are typically scouted in childhood. Landowners are able to nurture these gifts even in those with limited natural ability, but among the laborers, only the most exceptional are identified and moved into artist facilities. Being an Artist is a great honor, and it is one of the few ways a child of a landowner can keep their social status while not inheriting land, and also one of the few ways a laborer can raise their social status to that of the middle class.
Estovs regularly leave Estova to live elsewhere, and large portions of the population on all of the other continents are Estov either through the military – which is primarily Estov – or as civilians. Estovs are considered trustworthy and receive full rights of citizenship on all continents unless their rights or citizenship have been restricted on an individual level.
Theme Song for Estova
Lyrics and art by ChatGPT. Music by Suno. Arranged by Anne Winchell.
A Brief History
Estova has a history of nations at war with each other and extreme discrimination based on landowning status. They operated at a feudal level until the Emperor arrived in 5 BE. He approached the various nations, and persuaded the heads of each family to attend a meeting about the unification of Estova. The Emperor proposed forming an Empire, a joint venture between Estova and Alongra where the two continents would help each other under the leadership of the Emperor. Alongra quickly agreed, as the vast majority were unhappy with the current system, and the Empire was founded and the Imperial dating system started at 1 AE.
The government system didn’t dramatically change after the founding of the Empire, but power was distributed more evenly and a more democratic system was put in place. The continent experience a largely stable period that lasted for centuries, but with the discovery of Shem and their technology, Estova slowly began adopting more advanced farming techniques without fully understanding the consequences or knowing how to take various elements into consideration.

Due to poor farming practices and topsoil erosion, the continent began to see dust storms that impacted productivity, known as the Great Dust. Then, in 332 AE, a series of unusual and deadly tornadoes wreaked havoc through the central plains north of Aunsfore, hypercharged by the dry conditions and dust. These became known as the Death Storms, and over a thousand people were killed with thousands of farms lost. Estova’s food exports took a serious hit, and a series of tense negotiations began between the continents to ensure that everyone survived until Estova recovered.
Shem, who was the second biggest producer of food, pointed out that with Estova’s problems with the dust storms, things were unlikely to improve. While searching for solutions, the advisor to Estova at the time learned about Rainweed, a plant native to Krendia that had an extensive root system which would help the soil recover. In addition, the annual plants were nutrient rich, and upon dying each fall, those nutrients were integrated into the soil. She theorized that not only would Rainweed help the land regain its normal strength, but the added nutrients might even boost productivity.

The Emperor approved the import of Rainweed as an experimental solution, traveling to Aunsfore to observe the planting and speaking to the landowners and farmers about their concerns. After years of failures and successes, Estova stabilized into a three year cycle of harvests with two productive years and one year of sacrificial crops during the cyclic insect swarms. Despite the reduced years of harvests, the Rainweed boosted productivity, resulted in more food than before its introduction. To store this food, vast underground silos patrolled by cats were built.
During the chaos of the Great Dust, the Death Storms, and the subsequent efforts to regulate the Rainweed, the power structures shifted dramatically. Families more closely aligned to the middle class tended to survive better, as they were receiving income from alternate means such as artistic pursuits and, though most families wouldn’t acknowledge it, trade from merchants. The families with a tradition of cutting off members who entered the middle class were left with significantly reduced incomes, and as a result were less able to pay and provide for the farmers and laborers under them.
At the end of the chaos, four families held a majority of seats in the House of Nobles and the position of Prime Minister. The Montve family survived in large part due to donations of its most famous member, the artist Gerard Montve, who had always remained closely connected to his family. The Harmon family had several members who became merchants, and while these family members were never publicly acknowledged, they were allowed to use the Harmon name. The Charksal family played the political game well, managing to survive through political favors from wealthier families. Finally, the Lestanla family was the first to adopt Rainweed and remained at the forefront of technological developments even when it occasionally cost them. The Emperor saw that they were always well-rewarded for their bravery.

The Estov people are typically quite religious, practicing daily rituals and attending weekly gatherings of other believers. Physical and mental well-being are considered a person’s religious duties, as god has blessed them with life and it’s their duty to live the best life possible. As a result, while churches and congregations reference religion, many operate as centers for people to socialize, take classes, be active, and attend group and individual counseling with the clergy people as counselors.
The religion centers on a belief in a primordial world that embodied all that was good, known as Estlavosh. However, evil infiltrated the world, shattering Estlavosh into dozens of pieces that rained into the vast ocean of the world. Estova is one of those pieces, and they believe that every continent is a piece of Estlavosh that could be reclaimed.

The religion on Estova preceding the founding of the Empire has been largely changed to adapt to the new framework of their lives. Estova has always worshipped a single god who created Estlavosh, with original depictions showing typical Estov features. However, artistic depictions of their god since the Emperor’s arrival shows the god with black hair, something that no native Estov has and a clear reference to the Emperor.
Estov religious texts reference the singular god who created Estlavosh but go into few details. It’s possible that texts with more information on the unnamed singular god have been lost, but there is relatively little interest in the overall god, since most of the focus in the religion is on the saints, who represent the here and now of the religion.
Saints are a major focus of life in Estova, with each saint representing or protecting some element of life or death. Interpretations on the meanings of saints differs from region to region and congregation to congregation, though most differences are minor. People pray to various saints depending on what they need, and saints are said to answer the prayers of those whose need is true and heart is pure.
A debate about the sainthood of Leslie of Elserith in 191 AE led to the Elserith Schism as the church split into two branches. Leslie was a woman well-known for her great wisdom, and she left behind dozens of journals of her wisdom, but her writing was vague enough that scholars debated the true meaning of her words. She was a natural nomination for sainthood given her extreme wisdom, but as arguments about her inclusion were presented to the Holy Court, a group composed of the religious leaders from around the continent, it became clear that her wisdom was being interpreted in two very different ways.

One group believed that her wisdom lay in advising others how to live as a model to others in order to inspire those of the different continents to reunite and reform Estlavosh, once more restoring the world to its rightful form. The other group believed that her wisdom lay in providing reasons why a person’s duty was to create a new paradise in a divided world, since Estlavosh could never be put back together.
The differing interpretations exposed a divide in the doctrine that clergy members had previously been able to ignore. Even though Leslie of Elserith was admitted as a saint, the church soon after split, with the Estla Church establishing that Estlavosh can be recreated through the spirit of the people, and the Vosha Church believing that Estlavosh as once existed is gone, but a new paradise can be created in the here and now. Each claims to represent the will of god alone, but in practice, Estovs can attend services at either church with only minor differences between the day-to-day practices.
Each church reveres the Emperor, and he is careful to give both equal favor, as Estov’s religion in general gives him the religious right and moral duty to find and conquer other continents in the name of bringing Estlavosh together again. Whether this will happen though recreating Estlavosh or through creating a new paradise here remains to be seen and is a fierce debate among believers, and the Emperor is careful to never take sides in the manner as long as both sides favor him.
Theme Song for Saint Leslie of Elserith
Lyrics and art by ChatGPT. Music by Suno. Arranged by Anne Winchell.
Three Tiered Class System
Estova maintains a strict social order with very little social mobility other than a few well-established paths. People are born into their class, and while there are options for those of any class, they are limited and strictly prescribed.
The large population pushes people downward in terms of political and social influence, but those at the bottom have the option of leaving the continent, which many take. This regular outflow of people results in Estovs being the dominant people throughout the Empire.

At the top of the Estov social structure are the landowners. The continent is divided into large territories associated with different families. Some families have greater political and social influence than others, but owning land is a mark of the upper class and a requirement for participating in government. Those of the landowning class receive two votes in elections, with the stated reason being that they vote once with their family in mind and once for themselves.
With ever-growing families, not every child inherits land. They have several options to maintain status in society. Marriage is a common solution, with the families using marriages as alliances and to preserve land regularly. Those with an artistic bent can enter the artist class, and those with a desire to lead congregations or pursue holiness can enter the clergy class. These have less political power but are considered valid and honorable options.
The upper class traditionally has small families in order to preserve land ownership, though the main families tend to be exceptions to this trend. Landowners rarely leave Estova, as their position on other continents will never have the same privileges that they have on Estova.
A growing middle class is beginning to gain more political power within Estova. Traditionally, children of landowners who are inclined towards one of these professions or those who have no other options make up the middle class. Recognized members of the middle class receive one vote in elections but can’t hold political office. In terms of social status, it is considered socially acceptable to become an artist or a member of the clergy. Reducing oneself to a farmer or merchant is socially unacceptable for a child of a landowner and often results in being cut off from the family.

The three traditional classes that make up the middle class are artists, farmers, and the clergy. Estova is known for its painters, but the artist class contains all sorts of creative pursuits, from writing to fashion design, lately including filmmaking and photography. Members of the clergy lead the people of a region in regular gatherings that usually but not always relate to faith. They are often seen as mediators and counselors. Farmers rent the land from the landowners and organize and control the laborers who do the actual farm work. With the growth of cities, many merchants have gathered enough wealth and influence to be admitted into the middle class.
Members of the middle class regularly leave Estova to maintain their livelihoods and status on other continents, and many attain a status equivalent to landowner based on the standards of other continents. They make up the majority of the population of Shouhen, the capital city on Alongra, and live lives that are nearly identical to the lives we lead in our reality.
The lower class is primarily made up of laborers on Estova. Traditionally, these laborers worked on farms doing the actual labor while the farmers directed them and chose what to plant and harvest and when, and while the landowners owned the actual land under their feet. Now, however, many laborers have low-paid jobs in the cities. Their lives are defined by physical labor of some sort, and their wages are usually just enough to scrape by. Family is vital, and most have large families so that resources can be pooled together.
As technology continues to improve, less labor is required to do the same amount of work. Jobs in the cities are opening up quickly, but there is still a glut of laborers. However, anyone in the lower class can volunteer to be part of the military, earning a much higher wage and getting to travel to other continents, something normally reserved for the middle and upper classes. The dragon knights also regularly recruit, though they’re selective about who they take. The military will take anyone, and if a person isn’t able to do the physical work of being a soldier, the military will find some way they can still help the Empire. This makes the military the only option for many laborers who can’t perform physical labor for one reason or another.

Because of the desirability of becoming a dragon knight, which is the dream of many laborers and even some in the middle class, and the relative privilege associated with joining the military, there are always new recruits. Both the dragon knights and the military are disproportionally made up of Estovs, and on some continents, only Estov soldiers are allowed.
However, the strong emphasis on family bonds and the people’s strong ties to the earth mean that many choose to stay on Estova to do menial labor so that they can stay close to home. The balance between how many Estovs need to stay on the continent and work and how many are needed to fill out the military is a careful decision made by the government and the Emperor himself at times.
Theme Song for the Laborers
Lyrics and art by ChatGPT. Music by Suno. Arranged by Anne Winchell.
Famous Figures
Gerard Montve
Born to the powerful Montve family, Gerard showed an aptitude for painting at a young age, drawing sketches of the world around him as soon as he was old enough to hold a crayon. Although he was an only child and would have inherited land, his parents decided to cede their land back to the head of family after their deaths and encourage Gerard to pursue his talents.

He quickly developed a reputation as a master of landscapes, taking on a variety of styles and methods of painting and always pushing himself to learn more. He is currently practicing the art of portraits, and the Emperor himself has commissioned several pieces from him, both landscapes and the first portrait done of the Emperor in over a century. The portrait is still a work in progress as Gerard wants to make sure it meets his exacting standards. Gerard is the most well-known artist and considered one of the greatest of all time, certain the most skilled living artist. He is usually referred to as “Montve,” a telling indication of his importance given how large and powerful his family who shares his name is. He has inspired countless young people to follow in his footsteps and enjoys mentoring young people in the art of painting.
Maren Augustine
As the sixth child of a laborer family, Maren had few prospects in life, and when the Death Storms of 332 AE struck his village and killed his entire family, leaving him an orphan, he had literally no one left. All he had from his previous life was a bag of marbles given to him by his father, a generous gift when resources were scarce. One day while playing marbles, a marble rolled into a rut in the road, twisting into a part of town he hadn’t been before. After collecting his precious marble, he looked up to see a dragon in a field just beyond where he was. Entranced, he approached, and was stopped by soldiers who grabbed him.

The Emperor appeared, and Maren realized he had wandered into the upper class’s neighborhood. The Emperor was visiting the continent to review the damage from the Great Dust Storm. Maren apologized profusely. Although the soldiers believed him to be a spy, the Emperor took pity on him. The circumstances of what happened next are unclear, but Maren ended up growing up in the Imperial court, then becoming a dragon knight, achieving the highest rank possible. This put him almost immediately into the position of High Commander of the Imperial Dragon Knights after the previous commander passed months after Maren linked to his dragon.
As High Commander of the Imperial Dragon Knights, Maren is responsible for managing every dragon knight in all of the continents. Because of this, he interacts with the rulers and leaders of the continents regularly. While he represents the darker side of the Empire’s wrath as leader of the elite enforcers of the Emperor’s will, he has earned the respect of those who work with him and even those who work against him due to his acts of mercy when possible. His journey from orphan to one of the most well-known figures in all of the seven continents is a tale of inspiration for everyone in the lower class.
Rainweed and Cyclic Farming
After the Emperor approved the use of Rainweed in 332 AE and it was planted in a fields, it took root quickly and rapidly expanded beyond the experiment’s dedicated fields. They did indeed help with the soil, as the ground cover kept the fields protected. Farmers predicted that one season of Rainweed ought to be enough, and at the end of the season when the Rainweed died off, the soil was tested and did indeed contain more nutrients than usual.

The next season, Rainweed was planted in more fields. It again rapidly expanded into neighboring fields, causing some arguments as the Rainweed choked out all other crops. Then the fields which had been planted with Rainweed the year before began producing an extraordinary harvest, far more than the fields would usually yield. Other farmers quickly took note and put in requests for Rainweed the following year.
Rainweed was a favorite of the birds, who pecked away almost all of the bright purple berries. Since the berries were poisonous to humans and couldn’t be harvested, the farmers generally let the birds be, but noticed an uptick in the size of the flocks. By the next year, there were nearly a third more birds in the areas with Rainweed as before, and not only were the birds eating the berries, they were also eating the spiders. By this point, nearly the entire continent had adopted Rainweed, since it seemed a one-time sacrifice of a year without a harvest due to Rainweed’s useless fruit was resulting in exaggerated abundance afterwards.

However, the following year, the lack of spiders eating the numerous insects on Estova resulted in a swarm of insects that devastated the crops. By the end of the season, many farms were back were they started in terms of their failed harvests, and the soil’s nutrients were back at the pre-Rainweed levels. However, the bird flocks were back to a normal size and the spiders, with an abundance of insects to eat, slowly regained their numbers over the course of the year.
After much discussion and testing, Estova eventually adopted a three year cycle: two years of exceptional harvest thanks to the Rainweed, then a year of sacrificial crops, generally the Rainweed itself, during the insect swarms. Despite food only being produced two of the three years, the resulting harvests were equivalent to four years worth, ending in a net gain.

Since most of the other continents were reliant on Estov food exports to some degree, only receiving food two out of three years wasn’t acceptable. Huge underground silos were built to house excess food safely to account for this, and a large of cats received new jobs as protectors of the crops and destroyers of rats. During the off season with the sacrificial harvests, landowners invest in building and adding on to their farms, and farmers dedicate time to repairs and replacements. This cyclic system, despite its rough start, has resulted in increased food production that the entire Empire enjoys.
Theme Song for Cyclic Farming
Lyrics and art by ChatGPT. Music by Suno. Arranged by Anne Winchell.
Created by ChatGPT and Adobe Photoshop