Krendia: Conquered Continent, the Empire of the Seven Continents
Krendia is one of the seven continents that make up the Empire of the Seven Continents, the setting for the Imperial Saga. The Empire is composed of seven continents, three of which are considered allied, and four of which are considered conquered. Check out the Imperial Saga hub for more details about the series, the characters, and the world!
Much of the art and all of the music on this page is AI. Everything is clearly labeled. See my AI policy for more details.

Basic Information
- Capital City: Arkoshanos
- Imperial Population (civilian): 13.5 million
- Imperial Population (military): 538,000
- Discovered in 132 AE
- Joined the Empire in 138 AE
- Currently ruled by King Sphorno and Queen Veshina Reashlin
- Represented by Shailea Ankhelash, advisor to the Emperor
King Sphorno rules over a highly stratified democracy with citizens from the allied continents at the top and natives with more vibrant blue skin at the bottom. The royal family, put in place by the Emperor, is sympathetic to protestors and often works to moderate harsh Imperial punishments, but also supports the Empire and doesn’t dare oppose them too openly.
Xenophobia is a major problem, as outsiders are easily distinguished by skin color. Among the common people, any skin color other than blue is scorned. But within the Imperial power structure, blue skin is discriminated against. There are frequent popular movements to kill those without blue skin, but they are quickly put down by the Empire, which has a fairly large military force, including a substantial number of dragon knights.
Krendi living outside of Krendia are considered full citizens and rarely seen as threats, though there are exceptions. However, almost every Krendi who leaves Krendia is cut off from their family ties on the continent.
Underwater Living
Krendia is a string of smallish islands, with the largest being Kreftan Island, which is made up of mostly beaches with a crest of mountains cradling the crescent beach on the western side of the island. Imperial cities are on land, but the traditional structures are off-shore and only accessible by boat or swimming. They’re designed to adjust to the tides and different levels are sometimes underwater.

The Krendi
The Krendi people share most physical features in common with the people of the other continents, however two distinctive features set them apart. First, their skin is blue, ranging from pale to dark, pastel to vivid. Those with less of a blue tint to their skin are granted more rights and privileges, and the shade of a person’s skin often plays into their perceived and real class and position in the social and political structure.
Second, all Krendi have the ability to breathe underwater through gills on their ribs. Clothing is designed to allow access to the gills, and Krendi often wear blues and greens that blend into their skin. Although Krendi can breathe underwater, they require air on a daily basis in order to survive.
Extended family plays a vital role in Krendi life, with one’s extended family providing for all members of the family and using their connections to help people get ahead. In general, extended family is more important than immediate family. Getting cut off from family is tantamount to death, and leaving Krendia or marrying someone who isn’t Krendi is often cause for exile. Outside of Krendia, the Krendi people frequently marry others.
Theme Song for Krendia
Lyrics by ChatGPT. Art by NightCafe. Music by Suno. Arranged by Anne Winchell.
A Brief History
Krendia, an egalitarian democracy that valued learning and self-fulfillment, developed a flourishing economy and was experiencing a golden age of mathematical and scientific advancement when airships appeared in their sky. They had begun developing airships of their own and were fascinated by the technology, at first welcoming the newcomers. However, when it became clear that the Emperor intended to make Krendia subordinate to the existing continents in the Empire, the Krendi held a vote in 133 AE and soundly rejected the Empire’s invitation.
The Emperor began bringing in troops and dragon knights to subdue the resistance. Krendia remained united against the threat and managed to maintain control over the island for five years until Shattered Saturday in 138 AE when the leaders of the resistance were captured and executed. Krendia entered the Empire dispirited and without leadership.

As part of their entry into the Empire, Krendia was appointed a Governor from Alongra. Resistance to the new rule persisted, culminating in the Sapphire Uprising of 166 AE, when a new group of Krendi executed all of the Imperial citizens in Veshkar Palace and held off intruders. With Veshkar Palace under their control, the Krendi people viewed the rebels as the legitimate rulers.
After nearly six months of skirmishes, the Emperor sent a large force of dragon knights to lay siege to Veshkar Palace, destroying most of the glass above the sea line. For nearly a year, the Krendi used their ability to breathe underwater to hold out during the attacks, then return fire. Eventually, enough of the leaders were killed that the rebels grew disorganized and gave up. Many of the Krendi rebels swam away, and their whereabouts remain unknown to this day.
Order was restored, and the Emperor put in place a strict color code to ensure that only select Krendi held power while the masses were kept powerless. Veshkar Palace was rebuilt to ensure that Imperial citizens have access to all levels at low tide, and the military presence throughout the islands was increased.
In 302 AE, the Krendi people demanded more representation. The Emperor chose a family of Krendi with strong ties to the Empire, the Reashlin family, and appointed their son Speras the King, giving the Krendi people representation in government while allowing the Emperor control. The latest ruler in the Reashlin line is King Sphorno, who was crowned in 366 AE. His wife, Queen Veshina, comes from a lineage with Estov blood. Despite the presumed loyalty to the Emperor on both sides, there are rumors that the royal family has contacts among the descendants of the rebels who fled into the sea.
Theme Song for the Sapphire Rebellion
Lyrics and art by ChatGPT. Music by Suno. Arranged by Anne Winchell.
Krendi Architecture
The continent of Krendia is heavily inspired by Cosanti, a cultural site designed by Paolo Soleri in Paradise Valley, Arizona, USA, which showcases innovative techniques to create an “arcology,” combining “architecture” and “ecology.” This is also the place where Soleri windbells are cast. If you’re ever near Phoenix, Arizona and in need of a fascinating tour, definitely check out Cosanti. I’m not affiliated, just a fan.
Krendia utilizes many of the techniques used by Soleri in the creation of Cosanti, including “earth-casting,” a technique of building that works from the roof down and outside in, generally by “first forming a concrete shell over mounded dirt. The soil beneath this shell [is] then excavated out (usually by hand) and what remained became a structure’s walls and – roof” (Cosanti.com). Krendia developed this method naturally and almost all buildings in the city proper were created this way, but new construction within the city limits is highly regulated. Traditional Estov construction was used for a few Imperial structures, such as the dragon knight’s quarters and the main headquarters.
Earthcast housing, or Phrospiko, uses the structure of each building in addition to its relationship to the sun’s position in the sky to create a passive heating and cooling system, allowing Krendia to advance despite the lack of electricity prior to the arrival of the Empire. Even the semi-outdoor buildings that dominate the city benefit from this and are cool in the summer and warm in the mild winters. Recycling is emphasized, and nearly everything created by the Krendi can be reused or remade.
Krendi use Phrospiko for building both on the island and under the water, and have perfected a technique of creating structures on the seabed and raising them to the surface or higher. The palace is created using this method, and rises from the shallow seabed far above the surface. Depending on the tide, various levels of the building will be underwater and therefore off limits to Imperial citizens. Initially, the Palace was entirely underwater, but the Emperor demanded access, resulting in the building being expanded upward. The palace is graced with various glass spheres and panels created using similar techniques.
Development outside of the city is very loosely regulated, causing some issues as the needs of increased housing for Imperial citizens clashes with the desire to preserve as much natural beauty as possible for the Krendi. Many areas of Kreftan Island are set aside as natural preserves, but the restrictions on building on this land or even outright claiming ownership to it are weak to the point that only social pressure prevents them from being claimed all at once. In addition to Krendi pressure to preserve the islands, many Imperial citizens also want to keep their tropical paradise beautiful. The influence of these citizens does far more to limit building than the unified desires of the Krendi people.
Religious Beliefs

In the depths of time and the depths of the ocean, an octopus named Fejevanya rose to the surface, where few creatures ventured, and looked out above the waves. As she breathed the air, she felt the pull of the moon morph her into a new humanoid shape. She breathed in the air deeply and began swimming.
Before long, she began to tire, which never happened when she was an octopus. She used the pull of the moon to raise the seabed above the surface, forming the islands that make up Krendia. She first stepped foot on Diashe Island and found it deserted, so she created plants and animals to flourish and multiply, spreading across the islands. She created a people to guide the creatures and plants of the island, and the Krendi people were born.
On Diashe Island, the Krendi build cities in the water and on land, allowing them to live in both habitats, and they explored the island and hunted above and below the water. They saw other islands in the distance just beyond swimming distance and soon began building boats. Fejevanya led the expeditions to the other islands, landing next at Kreftan Island.

Fejevanya found Kreftan Island so large and beautiful that she made it the home of her people, but she continued her explorations. When she had discovered all of the islands that make up Krendia, she returned to Kreftan Island and again used the pull of the moon to raise the Veshkar Palace from the depths. There, she resided with her people, who could come and go freely.
Eventually, Fejevanya decided to seek out other lands, and she established rules for a democracy in which every adult held an equal vote and equal chance for advancement, as she adored all of her people equally. Family life was prized above all else, and extended families stretched across the islands and constantly shifted and expanded, resulting in a highly unified people.
With her people taken care of, Fejevanya set out into the ocean, but a powerful storm struck as she was leaving. Although her fate remains unknown, a strong distrust of anything coming from across the waters lingers to this day. When the Emperor’s airships arrived from the same direction that the storm was said to originate, many believed that it was a sign of their desire to destroy Krendi traditions and beliefs.
People hold onto belief in Fejevanya and attend weekly underwater ceremonies pledging their devotion. Various life milestones involve temples to her glory. While the Empire has attempted to limit worship of Fejevanya, the old ways persist, especially since most rituals and temples are underwater where Imperial citizens can’t easily reach. It is said that someday, Fejevanya will return to her people, marked by her coral eyes.
Theme Song for Fejevanya
Lyrics and art by ChatGPT. Music by Suno. Arranged by Anne Winchell.
Feje Bells
One important part of Krendi culture are their bells, known as Feje bells, which are heavily inspired by the windbells created in Cosanti, being created and designed in the same way and having the same basic style and look. There are small kilns are on the outskirts of Arkoshanos and a major center for production in Inkalvar.
Each Krendi receives their first bell when they are announced into life after their first year. Their first bell is small and has engravings that represent their parents’ hope for them.
At each major turning point in their life, Krendi receive a new bell catered to that event, such as their coming of age ceremony. This ceremony involves swimming to a distant shrine to pay homage to Fejevanya, receiving a bell at the shrine, then swimming back, with the swim being a challenging test of physical strength. Those who fail are still welcomed in society but lack that bell, which some people judge harshly. Bells are also used by romantic partners to represent different levels of intimacy in their relationship.
Upon a person’s death, the bells are either left to other family members or placed in the cemeteries, which are mostly collections of bells. Most bells, however, are kept within the family and given to new members of the family as they’re born and mature. Some bells have passed down in families for hundreds of years.
Breaking a bell is considered significant bad luck, and breaking a bell that’s significant to a family might even be enough to get a person cut off from their family, or at least cut off from part of their family, temporarily or even permanently depending on the bell.
Bells are strictly regulated on Krendia, and forbidden from export. This was an important requirement for Krendia joining the Empire, since Krendia refused to be part of the Empire if it planned on exporting their bells. Outsiders can look at the bells and see how they’re made, but they’re not allowed to purchase them, inherit them, or work on their creation.
Click here to see various styles of windbells and hear what they sound like.
Created by ChatGPT and Adobe Photoshop